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Monday, May 30, 2022

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction: Poison #4: Hard Logic Versus ‘Tough Love’

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:

Poison #4: Hard Logic Versus ‘Tough Love’

By Ozymandias The Mad!

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Poison #4

Hard Logic Versus ‘Tough Love’

Only Logic And Reason Can Be Trusted To Tell The Difference

Any fool can talk and act tough. They might even believe they’re some sort of tough guy. But the term ‘tough love’ is quite often thrown about gratuitously to excuse just being a jackass. It is often a vain, self indulgent, and self serving pretension, to serve as a self righteous excuse for acting out with one’s own emotions against others. The fundamental premise of so called ‘tough love,’ is that one must be tough in delivering some necessary unpleasantness, if not a necessary evil, all in service to the better interests of someone you love, whether they like it or not, and whether they see it that way or not.

But the key distinguishing term in that premise, is the word ‘necessary,’ even more so than the word ‘love.’ Love is in the eye of the beholder. Whether or not anyone genuinely loves anyone else, is for the angels dancing on the head of pin to debate about, while they dance about. But the word ‘necessary’ is a creature of logic. It has a logical definition, and logical criterion for it’s determination. Otherwise, it is just a meaningless excuse.

But then the question becomes ‘necessary for what?’ For something to be necessary, it must be absolutely indispensable in order to achieve some goal or benefit, whether by definition, or by practical utilitarian requirement as the cost of doing business, the necessities of life being of course the most necessary of all. They are necessities without which, there is no life to pursue any other aim. Short of serving the necessities of life, one would be hard pressed to rationalize ‘tough love’ as anything than emotional self indulgence with self righteous excuse making.

The quintessential example of ‘tough love’ in western civilization, is the common Christian admonition ‘spare the rod… spoil the child!’ Young children know nothing of the world. Newborn babies don’t even know language or the meaning of basic words yet. All of this must be taught to them, especially the meaning of the word ‘No!’ Without even so much as a light slap on the wrist, it is impossible to convey the proper negative impact of the word, which serves as a primary means of correction, and of establishing boundaries against far harsher outcomes, even fatal ones. Children often have to learn that fire is hot the hard way, or the word hot has little or no meaning to them. These are harsh but necessary lessons for the sake of, and in the interests of the child’s life. Thus it is more than qualified as genuine ‘tough love.’

However, correction can be excessive and abusive, if delivered in the heat of passion without rational thought or reservation. It may feel like ‘tough love.’ But it is just self indulgent venting at the expense of the child. Only reason and logic can determine the difference. Because even genuinely loving parents can go too far in the heat of the moment without careful thought, leading to uneven and inconsistent treatment, seemingly arbitrary, providing no clear lessons as to what is supposed to be good behavior, in order to prevent bad behavior. Only the consistent application of logic and reason to the process can provide the consistency necessary for the child to learn the right lessons. Otherwise it is just the cruel and arbitrary behavior of unthinking parents indulging their own feelings at the expense of the child.

Coddled children grow up spoiled without any realistic appreciation or expectations for risk and reward, prone to self indulgent libertine behavior, demanding freedom without consequences, at other peoples expense. Abused children are effectively taught that rules and punishment are just arbitrary and without reason. And they disregard them as not having any meaning for legitimate application to themselves. And the abused will tend to become abusers themselves. Because they have been given effectively no basis for consistency in their own treatment of their own kids. Abuse begets abuse, largely because irrational inconsistency begets irrational inconsistency.

Children from broken homes often have the most extreme problems of this nature. Because they may be dealing with an overwhelmed single parent who can’t manage consistently by themselves. Or they may bounce back and forth between parents, and even get caught in between them as something to fight over, that the children themselves have nothing to do with, with no real coordination between the parents being possible, let alone logical consistency.

As they grow up, society becomes unavoidably filled with these sorts of people to some extent. Perfect consistency across the board is impossible. So you will get a mix of these sorts of miscreants together with the more well adjusted individuals. If the rational character and consistency of parenting decline significantly enough, society may become dominated by these miscreants, and complete societal break down is most likely not far behind then.

But the parents alone are no longer the sole factor involved, and haven’t been so since the advent of the compulsory public education of the masses. The Prussian empire invented the first modern public school system, and they did so not for the sake of having an informed and enlightened electorate for the purposes of having a better democracy, as they were no such thing at the time. They wanted a more regimented and more grateful mass of potential conscripts, who would be more disciplined, more useful, and more gratefully obedient, all in service to the pursuit of greater empire ( see Murray Rothbard’s Education Free & Compulsory, 1979 ).

When people pursue education licenses, they will often have to take a class in school law of some kind. In it they will learn of the legal doctrine of in loco parentis, or ‘in place of the parent.’ Essentially, in the absence of the actual parent, the teacher acts in loco parentis, ‘in place of the parent.’ What is usually neglected in this treatment is that it is always on behalf of the state, and the state interests, not the interests of the parents or the children. Nonetheless, they serve in the parenting role, but inconsistently with respect to the parenting of the actual parents. So that no matter how consistent and rational the parenting of the actual parents, the teachers are bound to be unavoidably different in the practice from them. And this is by design, because they serve an unavoidably different agenda.

The hand the rocks the cradle rules the world. Because the hand the rocks the cradle raises up the potential leaders of future society. And every would be tyrant in human history has coveted that power. It is written in the Communist Manifesto ( 1848 ) of the need to abolish the family. Largely because the family is a rival power when it comes to being the hand that rocks the cradle. But the agenda of the state has nothing to do with the hypothetical ‘tough love’ of the parents, necessary for the greater interests of the children in question, greater interests serving the necessities of life. It serves only the interests necessary to the life of the state, the interests of the children and everyone else in society being subservient to the allegedly greater interests of the state.

The interests of the state are a matter of politics. And politics is war by other means, like in Sun Tsu’s Art of War ( 5th century BC ). And likewise from the Art of War, all war is based on deception. It is fundamentally in the interests of the power and control of the state to deceive and manipulate the general public, for the sake of growing and maintaining that power and control. But simply lying to the public won’t necessarily get the job done for them, as the public won’t necessarily believe some of the more ridiculous lies with obvious contradictions. The public must be conditioned in such a way as to be susceptible to that sort of manipulation to begin with, softened up in the head as it were, to make a soft target out of an otherwise hard target.

Critical reasoning is the mind’s only real defense against lying manipulation. So the capacity to reason critically must be weakened or destroyed for the sake of the successful manipulation by the powers that be. To this end, the public school system of instruction has been designed to do this by the consistent systematic application of operant conditioning and indoctrination. Inherently contradictory doctrine is provided, along with consistent punishment and reward signals that reward mindless adherence to the contradictions, while punishing failure to accept this doctrine, or daring to question it.

Gradually one’s sense of well being and self esteem are completely wedded to the adherence to the proscribed nonsensical programming, such that any critical assessment of doctrine may cause emotional distress, or even physical discomfort. Thus successful programming becomes self reinforcing, and lasting enthusiastic obedience is virtually assured. The suppression of critical reasoning to any extent must be considered a mild form of madness, madness by design. Of course some will be more susceptible to this process than others, like the coddled, the abused, and the children of broken homes. Some may only experience minor mental defects, such as neurotic conditions and/or pathological behaviors. While others may develop more extreme conditions and psychosis, up to and including suicidal and/or homicidal tendencies.

As these sorts of problems manifest themselves, and cause more and more disciplinary issues at the schools in question, increasingly children are being medicated to an alarming extent, largely to mask the side effects of their system of programming. These may include dangerous stimulants like Ritalin and Adderall, as well as powerful mind altering SSRI type antidepressants, known to cause psychotic episodes, black outs, and violent breaks with reality. Often children are even given combinations of these powerful drugs, with little to no concern about their potential drug interactions, turning mere children into ticking time bombs, as a matter of governmental expediency.

Of course, if any of these ticking time bombs go off in the schools themselves, this also serves their purposes, as the system itself is effectively martyred, and is thus politically reinforced, as long as they can blame anything else but the system itself. And then they can use that for the justification of actions against their chosen scapegoats. Survivors of the various incidents will almost always act upon their programming, and reinforce the scapegoating of others for the benefit of their programmers, without ever realizing it, or being able to think critically about it, as a function of their own successful programming.

Products of this system will of course also be less able to provide a logically consistent program of ‘tough love’ with their own children, thus producing more vulnerable children to the system that programmed them in the first place. Generation after generation of this process have been progressing further and further down this rabbit hole, rendering each subsequent generation less and less stable, and less and less capable of functioning rationally and competently. The public schools are effectively government factories for the manufacture of madness, in service to government madness. It is only a matter of time before most of the general population can no longer function rationally at all. Past a certain unknown point of no return, society is doomed to a near complete, if not complete collapse, under the weight of it’s own madness.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction: Poison #3: Talking Is Fµ©king Bµ11$hit!

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:

Poison #3: Talking Is Fµ©king Bµ11$hit!, P.1 of 6

By Ozymandias The Mad!


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Poison #3

Talking Is Fµ©king Bµ11$hit! Reading Is Fundamental

And Writing Leaves A Legacy, For Better Or For Worse

Talking is not thinking. And thinking is not talking. These are physiologically opposed Processes. Adequate breathing is required for proper thinking. But talking interrupts the proper flow and rhythm of breathing, which is bound to hamper thinking to some extent in the process. Proper thinking takes time. But talking can be quick. And the quicker it gets, the stupider it gets. And one doesn’t necessarily lead to, or even indicate, the other.

Growing up I would often hear it said that ‘you should think before you speak,’ and ‘it’s better to have people suspect you’re an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions.’ These are just oversimplified reminders of the nature and relative values of talking versus thinking, and the trouble that comes from one at the expense of the other. Communication of thinking often requires talking, but not always. And talking is an inferior form of communication compared to reading and writing, which do not necessarily require wasting breath on bµ11$hit talk. But reading and writing also take time, and not everyone can be bothered with it, or will necessarily see the value in it, assuming they can even do it to begin with.

Time is short, as are memories and tempers. More often than not, talking is just noise that is quickly forgotten, in one ear and out the other as they say. People know this. And they take advantage of it, and the lack of a record if it’s not a recorded conversation. This naturally increases the probability of there being bµ11$hit in the mix.

And talking noise can be provocative of violence. Even if, and often especially if, the talking noise happens to be true. People know this too. And they seek to avoid it at the expense of reason and logic. But people often are compelled to talk by various transient necessities that don’t allow for the time and the effort for more thoughtful and rational communication.

So human discourse becomes an endless noise fest of mostly nice sounding bµ11$hit, quickly and conveniently forgotten, along with reason and logic. And because this is the normal standard issue bµ11$hit, it is treated as if talking bµ11$hit is somehow a virtue, just by virtue of being normal, even to the point of being considered an obligation, as mandatory bµ11$hit, ‘We have to talk!’ To the extent that this mandatory bµ11$hit is remembered, by virtue of mindless repetition, it becomes the precious so-called ‘common sense’ of the idiot herd. Thus, the transiently expedient bµ11$hit of the herd becomes the herd accepted and herd reinforced reality over time, and madness becomes defined as the negation or ignorance of this precious herd noise called ‘common sense.’ And sanity becomes defined as the mindless dutiful conformity of the human herd.

Literature represents a partial liberation from the bondage of herd idiocy, liberation from their so-called ‘common sense.’ Recourse to writing provides a record of the hypothetical bµ11$hit in question, so that one may potentially be held accountable for it. This doesn’t guarantee truth or sanity however, only slightly more plausible and consistent bµ11$hit. They still might be able to get away with it, especially if their target audience doesn’t have the capacity to tell the difference. But they will have to be at least slightly more careful about it. And the fear of getting caught will discourage any unnecessary and gratuitous deception. It is often said that ‘if you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember your lies.’ Otherwise, you gratuitously risk getting tangled up in your own web of deception.

None of this guarantees truth, logic, and reason however, just more care with one’s lies among the more mentally competent liars. The white lies of omission become the standard tactics of the more practiced and competent deceivers and manipulators. If the missing truth comes out in some other available writing, then the audience for the white lies may catch wise, and demand accountability. But if the truth is mixed with lies in such a way that they cannot be easily parsed out from each other, then you either accept the lies along with the truth, or you end up rejecting the truth along with the lies. Either way you get two complimentary opposite but unavoidably distorted pictures, which can then be pitted against each other for divide and conquer purposes.

However, if their exists a written record of the truth properly and clearly sorted, functioning effectively as a Rossetta Stone to sort out the cultivated confusion, then the whole scheme may falter and fail, and with it, the very interests that depend on it to begin with. Such records then are often demonized, dismissed, otherwise marginalized in some way, or just plain burned. But the records and writings don’t necessarily have to be destroyed for this purpose, if the general public can’t read well enough to access the records and writings in question. Mass education becomes something of a double edged sword in this respect, from the perspective of the would be tyrants in question. An educated herd is both more useful and potentially more dangerous than a completely illiterate one.

Even with competency with respect to literacy, the ability to interpret what is being read can can be confused by the combination of indoctrination and operant conditioning, in the guise of education. Operant conditioning is essentially a field of animal behavior studies applied to human nature. The Pavlovian dog whistle conditioning of punishment and reward, along with associated stimulus. If one is simply indoctrinated into a mix of truth and lies as previously described, then one may still catch wise if exposed to the clear truth. But if one is simultaneously being conditioned to accept the inherently contradictory doctrine in question without thinking, it won’t matter what else they may read, as they will interpret everything else through the same prism of their accepted doctrine and conditioning.

Many will of course be too far gone to recover from this conditioning, as their conditioning is largely self-reinforcing. With operant conditioning, the emotions of the subject in question are conditioned to view, weigh, and measure themself and the world around them with respect to the scales of the value system they are iondoctrinated with. Their very self esteem and feeling of well being become irrevocably tied to this value system. So that any deviation or doubt becomes emotionally painful. And they may even become violent in reaction depending on the severity of their conditioning.

For those who may still have the capacity or potential for reason however, they may still be able to be reached with enough persuasion and exposure to clear proper reasoning. Thus the need to destroy or restrict access to such information still persists. In civilizations that may have already widely succumbed to this pathology, these records may be hard to come by. From the very beginning of the unsustainable racket called the Soviet Union, it’s fall and collapse were inevitable. But it still took about seven decades to happen. And a lot of people suffered greatly in the interim waiting for the inevitable. But even there, the truth survived, albeit buried and hidden.

One of the greatest victories for reason against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, was an internally self inflicted wound, perpetrated by dissidents via an ad hoc fax network. Phones were bound to be tapped and monitored, but people had fax machines which could send written memos and other documents back and forth between each other as part of their ad hoc peer-to-peer fax network, which couldn’t be intercepted and read at the time. This network then became a means by which people could compare notes with each other relatively free of fear of interference or punishment, so that true information could circulate to some extent, and counteract the phony narrative of the state.

Underground churches would also circulate their own counter narrative, carefully and cautiously preserving and circulating their precious texts over the course of multiple generations, as they are still struggling to do today in communist China. Of course Christianity itself started as an underground religious movement, subject to persecution and purge, a movement that would have died off long ago if not for the careful preservation and propagation of their sacred texts in spite of all of this. Otherwise, their could be no reliable consistency to their movement to any extent without it. Civilization itself cannot even be built, let alone maintained, without some preservation of accumulated sound knowledge and understanding to some extent, with each subsequent generation building upon what the previous generation produced and preserved via the written record.

But why does any of this matter if they can just torture and shoot people, or even just hack them to little pieces in the public square like William Wallace ala the movie Braveheart? Why isn’t that ever enough for them? Fear certainly works well as a control mechanism. But by itself it has limited utility. You can only instill so much fear before people begin to believe that they are screwed no matter what, and they decide to fight anyway, and to take out as many of their enemies as possible on their way out, turning fear it no it’s opposite of courage.

Fear and obedience are not enough. Just as the inner party member said to Winston in 1984, “It is not enough for you to obey the party… You must love it!” Authority, and everything it produces or pronounces, must be viewed as and believed to be sacred. When you love something deeply enough to consider it to be sacred, you be be inherently reluctant and unable to view it as anything else. The veil of the sacred hides the absurdity of contradiction. Because no will ever wish to see any flaws or absurdities within anything nearly so sarced to them.

If one is conditioned to view an inherently contradictory dogma as sacred, then that sacredness must necessarily blind oneself to the contradiction. Cognitive dissonance results from the conflict between conditioned belief versus contradiction, both contradiction with the outside reality, as well as contradiction within itself. Humor highlights absurdity in order to correct it, as that is it’s natural purpose and function. Thus any real genuine humor becomes inherently a de facto enemy of the state, perhaps even more so than the memory of the written word. Because in the event of the ultimate failure to preserve the written truth properly, all that may be left for the freedom of humanity, is the prospect of a dirty limerick being written on a bathroom wall, mocking some would be emperor parading about naked.

So if you don’t want the fate of human freedom and civilization to be in the hands of some glorified amateur comedian, you might want to concern yourself with the preservation and propagation of a written record of truth. Not just the truth that came before you, but the truth of you, the truth of your experience, your testimony to subsequent generations, not just to your own immediate offspring, assuming you have any. Because the battle for truth and reason could be long and hard, spanning multiple generations in struggle before ultimate triumph. Which is by no means a given for any generation, not even the present one.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

Now Free On Dr. Theopolis I Presume! #DrTheopolisIPresume An Open Source AI Hoax As Directed And Presented By Ozymand...