Engineering Is A Fµ©king Pain! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:
Pain #1: Crazy Wavy Quantum Chaos In A Bottle!
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Pain #1
Crazy Wavy Quantum Chaos In A Bottle!
Harnessing The Power Of Resonant Plasma
There is a saying that goes ‘those who can’t do… teach.’ To which I would add, those who can’t teach, write. And those who can’t write, become journalists. To see what happens to those who can’t become journalists, check out skid row for those results, or just CNN. I must confess at the outset, that I am a complete failure with respect to doing or teaching. Writing is effectively all that I have left, given that I have too much self respect for journalism. So it’s this or skid row. Please give me money to keep a mad scientist off the street!
As a failed grad school drop out, who never actually properly dropped in, I have both failed to do, in the research and development sense, and I have failed to become a teacher, not having an ‘education’ degree, or proper full teaching license. I have however been burdened with a good deal of knowledge and understanding. All of which falls just short of being useful for anything that I care about, save for this writing. I certainly do not have the knowledge to pull off anything that I may dream to be possible. But with enough skill in writing, to frame the question properly, I may be able to con a few brilliant geeks into doing my homework for me, almost like I’m one of the cool kids in class for a change.
Within the field of plasma physics, there is a virtual arcane sorcery to it’s workings, even within a natural setting. Within the context of electrical engineering, informed by quantum mechanics, everything becomes that much more of a technical kerfuffle, the details of which are frankly quite beyond me. Consequently, I will make no attempt here to sell you on any particular solutions to these problems in detail. Details for which, I can only outline a general framework of the questions here. I may not know the answers, but I know enough to ask the right questions, so that others may provide the right answers.
Within science and engineering in general, there is a tendency of control freaks to try and force things to be constant, in order to maintain control. But some things are unavoidably, incorrigibly, and naturally chaotic. Plasma is one of those things that tends to defy any attempt to maintain constancy, or even stability. Plasma is essentially a cloud of charged particles, negative free electrons and positive ions, floating, swimming, and swirling about each other, actively perturbed by each others charges, as well as outside influences, such as external electromagnetic fields and forces. If perturbed too strongly, any relatively stable condition can be disrupted, resulting in a potentially explosive electrical discharge.
If perturbed in the right way, just enough but not too much, this very same instability may become a source of great power. A general tendency for instability may be redefined as a generally greater than normal tendency towards change. If change cannot be stopped or controlled, then it must harnessed and compensated for, or exploited as such, if not directed. Change that cannot be completely controlled, must be harmonized with, in order to be exploited. The principles, behaviors, and the phenomenon of electromagnetism in general, are inherently relativistic and resonant. Understanding exactly how is the key to exploiting it.
First, a few basics for the uninitiated:
1. Like charges repel each other, and opposite charges attract. So negative electrons will flee from a negative charge, and chase after positive charges. Likewise, positively charged ions will flee from a positive charge, and chase after negative charges.
2. The strength of these effects are proportional and relative to proximity, and the charges thereof, and will behave in an oscillatory spring-like manner under the influence when perturbed, either by a single electrical impulse to the system, by a series of such impulses, or by a properly wave-like continuous but oscillating electric potential.
3. Plasma is absolutely ubiquitous. It permeates virtually all, if not all of the supposedly empty vacuum of space. It is the fourth state of matter, in addition to liquid, solid, and gas. And it may be the most common form of matter in the universe by far.
4. In the classic framing of the notion of zero point energy, two large plates are brought extremely close to each other in a vacuum. So close together, that the normal unstoppable oscillation of an electron between the plates, will then essentially put that oscillating potential on the plates, which can then in theory be tapped into somehow.
There is an old saying that goes, ‘If the Mohammad won’t come to the mountain… then the mountain will come to Mohammad.’ The task to be performed in order to tap into zero point energy, may be exceedingly difficult, even to the point of becoming practically impossible as described, even while still being theoretically possible. But if we cannot completely meet the conditions for tapping into zero point energy, maybe we can meet it part way, and bring zero point energy to us the rest of the way, exploiting the power of resonance.
Although a crude representation, imagine a large vacuum chamber with two large plates on either end. In between the plates swims a sea of a pure electron plasma. Behind either plate sits a large high voltage and high frequency Tesla coil, as a pair of complementary opposite potentials, with synchronized opposing oscillations. If the frequency of the applied potential is the same as the resonant frequency of the plasma, the resonance between them will amplify each other. But too much, and the system may fry itself or break in a way that results in an explosive electrical discharge. With just the right amount, there will be tremendous energy available within the resulting resonant plasma. But tapping into that energy will be the real trick.
Such a device would be aptly described as plasma resonator cell, or what I will call a Tesla cell. Nicola Tesla understood correctly that we are all bathed in energy, surrounded by it. And that all we had to do to tap into it, was to figure out how to ‘attach our machinery to the wheel work of the universe.’ Tesla himself worked a great deal on the challenge of wireless transmission of power via the Wardenclyffe Tower project in the early 1900’s. But that is a question of transmission, rather than tapping into the ambient energy already there, to produce usable power as a result.
If a tap coil is inserted into the plasma somehow, with the plane of the coil itself perpendicular to the length of the Tesla cell, placed somewhere in between the plates, but with the leads drawn outside of the plasma through a wire mesh Faraday cage surrounding the system within the vacuum chamber, the tap coil would then be immersed in an oscillating potential, that could be measured, and should be able to be applied to a load at the end of the leads outside the Faraday cage. This coil will also interact with the plasma, and push back against the oscillation via mutual induction between the tap coil of the surrounding plasma, which may hamper the active resonance within the system, creating what in wave mechanics is referred to as damped oscillation. The push pack via mutual inductance may be reduced and minimized, but never eliminated.
In general, the more turns of wire you have within you coil, the greater the effect of inductance, and mutual inductance along with it, which may also reduce the power available to be tapped into, because of the dampening of the oscillation. With fewer turns, there will be less push back, with relatively less dampening, and therefore more power available to tapped into, but with much less power on the leads of the tap coil. In fact there may be every little power available on the output. It may only be enough to break even. But it should be enough to drive the process, and provide a small net power dividend as a result.
The output on the leads of the tap coil will of course be oscillating at the same high frequency as the applied power. But between the plate and the plasma, there may be a slight phase lag, which would then end up being slightly out of phase on the leads of the tap coil, relative to the phase of the applied power. To feed the output back into the input, may require some automatic phase shifting adjustment in the circuitry, in order to be placed back in phase with the applied power, minimizing if not eliminating the need for ongoing energy input into the system.
Even if this all works as I expect, it is most likely that the net output power dividend will be very small, a low potential, but extremely high frequency power source. In order to be significant enough to be useful, multiple such Tesla cells may have to be joined in sync to pool their power together. And one may even be used to feed into another, or multiple others. Linked serially in this manner, they may form a power transmission system, as well as a power generation system, in a manner memetic of the plasma conduits of Star Trek. It must also be considered, that the extremely high frequency of the raw output, may in fact be a key advantage and benefit of the technology, if it works as I suspect.
There are bound to all sorts of processes that require very high frequencies of operation, and therefore require high frequency input power to keep up and operate at that same high rate, especially with other resonant plasma related technologies. When stepping up or down the operating frequency of the power supply, some energy loss is inevitable, decreasing over all energy efficiency. Stepping up an ordinary power supply, with enough power to start the process within the hypothetical Tesla cell, will be a key hurdle as it is.
I suspect that some degree of minimization in size will increase the overall efficient, by lessening the hurdle required to kick start the process, or to continue to operate, perhaps even to the point of reaching a scale qualifying as nanotechnology. I visualized the Tesla cell using actual Tesla coils to achieve both high potential, as well as high frequency. But at a much smaller scale, different mechanisms may be required to achieve the same effect. Tesla coils are essentially all about electromagnetic leverage. It is a type of transformer that functions for electrical circuitry the same way a system of gears and levers functions for physical Newtonian mechanics. Ultimately, the Tesla cell itself is all about this kind of leverage, leveraging the ambient energy all around us with power of resonance itself, ‘attaching our machinery to the wheel work of the universe,’ with an ambient energy transformer of zero point energy.
Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…
That’s All For Now Folks!
Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!
And May The Best Noise Win!
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