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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction Spell #2: I Speculate Therefore I Am

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction

Spell #2: I Speculate Therefore I Am

Ozymandias The Mad! Please Give Me Money To Keep A Mad Scientist Off The Street!

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Spell # 2

I Speculate Therefore I Am

Or So I Speculate

When beset by deliberate systematic efforts of disinformation and manipulation, it helps to return to first principles for a clearer compass to serve as a guide in search of the truth in a world of noise. In his 1637 work Discourse On Method, Rene Descartes famously wrote essentially ‘I think therefore I am.’ This statement forms part of the foundational basis of reason and the modern scientific method. Rephrased slightly, the act of observation proves the existence of the observer, otherwise the observer could not observe if nonexistent to begin with. However, this observation only proves the existence of the observer to himself and nothing else. The phenomenon being observed may not even be real, but the observer is real regardless, otherwise the observation could not happen.

This one point of certainty could be said to represent the most certain thing, that we can be the most certain about. It could be viewed as representing the sharp point of a Descartes cone of certainty that widens out as it spreads out from the center, including ever more and more information, of ever less and less certainty, requiring ever more and more other means to sort the rest out, and derive a practical approximation of relative certainty. We must proceed from the relatively certain and work our way outward from there, to evaluate everything of less certainty from the perspective of the more certain, in order to derive a more thorough understanding, of the most humanly possible depth and certainty, as may be logically possible, or at least semi-sane.

Even when proceeding from a point of certainty, the only real point of certainty being the point at the tip of the cone of certainty, the indispensable role played by sheer speculation for the sake of speculation, cannot logically be dismissed. Firstly, in the absence of speculation, wondering, pondering, positing, and questioning, irregardless of right or wrong, there can be nothing to talk about to begin with. Observation in the absence of speculation is a moot, mute, and trivial event, inert and impotent with respect to any rational pertinence. You could even define thinking as such, via Descartes, I observe and speculate, therefore I think, therefore I exist as a sentient consciousness.

Thus thinking is defined here as the active process of combining observation and speculation. If speculation is dismissed or disallowed as fringe pseudoscience or disinformation, then so is thinking it self. As a mad scientist, speculation is my business, and business is hypothetically good, but that is just mad science speculation on my part. If my speculation is made illicit, then I’ll just have to go with black market mad science instead. Perhaps I may become a mad pirate king, where I can do almost anything, as long as I don’t get caught, otherwise, hopefully there are lawyers for that. Not quite the Lizard King, but I’m no Jim Morison, so a mad pirate king will just have to do.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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