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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Engineering Is A Fµ©king Pain! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction: Pain #3: Fusion Confusion!

Engineering Is A Fµ©king Pain! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:

Pain #3: Fusion Confusion!

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Pain #3

Fusion Confusion! Who’s Got The Fusion?

Maybe I Do? But It’s Confusing!

Power is freedom. Because freedom is simply power over your own life, held within your own hands. Wave whatever flag you like, but without the power to back it up or defend it, it might as well be a surrender flag, painted white. Dream up whatever fantastic theoretical possibilities you may wish to be possible, or may even be possible, but without the power to pull it off, it’s just another pipe dream of no rational concern or real consequence. Power comes in many forms, but any real form of real power can interchanged and leveraged to other forms of real power, including simple electrical power, and the economic power that results from it.

New forms of power supply can create new forms of technological possibilities, like new weapons, that lead to new forms of power to fight over. But if fighting over the new possibilities is the cost of doing the business of innovation, then so be it. The future of human freedom demands nothing less. But that is easier said than done. More often than not, it is a lesser power that must be leveraged up into a greater power, by using some new innovation or insight. Given an overly long series of my own precious ifs, if they all turn out to be correct, then the hypothetical Tesla Cell may provide the key leverage necessary for vastly greater powers, like possible fusion reactors.

Tesla Cells are creatures of resonant plasma. By virtue of their hypothetical resonance with plasma, assuming they work at all as imagined, they have a natural leverage on the key medium within which fusion must occur. In fact, if a hypothetical Tesla Cell were to operate with high enough amplitude, and at the right resonant frequency, fusion may occur randomly and sporadically along the way as a side effect, if there are any ions with atomic nuclei containing neutrons, possibly creating a slow gradual buildup of neutron damage on the inside of the device, if a pure electron plasma is not used within the hypothetical Tesla Cell to begin with.

I once came across some alternative physics web site, dealing with the fringe alternative physics of plasma cosmology, where they mentioned casually in passing, the possibility of what was referred to as ‘resonant fusion.’ I moved on the other things without looking to seriously at it at first, but then I couldn’t find it again, so I don’t remember where I saw it first. But the question of what ‘resonant fusion’ was lingered in my mind and made me wonder what it could be. When I was young reading comic books, I would engage in a mental exercise where I would assume things to be real, and try to figure how they could work, if at all. ‘If it were real, how could it work, if it could work, if it could be real?’

Thinking along these lines regarding the question of so-called ‘resonant fusion,’ is what lead to my idea for the hypothetical Tesla Cells and Tesla Cell oscillators, among other things. The high frequency output of the Tesla Cells, when provided in multiple phases, can possibly drive a hypothetical ‘resonant fusion’ process. Originally I was thinking of something like a Tokamak reactor, with some sort of resonant field or electromagnetic oscillation of some kind. Gradually I envisioned something more like a single cross-section of the donut shaped pipe of a hypothetical resonant Tokamak, more like a variation of an old Farnsworth Fusor design.

When Nikola Tesla first invented the electric motor, he created a little demonstration toy out of an iron ring with two coils wraps around two different parts of the ring, with two different phases of current applied to the coils. A little metal egg forced to spin around inside it under the influence of the oscillating magnetic field, resulting from the application of polyphasic current, demonstrating the principles of his new electric motor. My hypothetical fusion reactor idea should work in similar manner.

Imagine a circle of six Tesla Cell oscillators, arranged in a circle inside a vacuum chamber, all pointed towards the center of the circle between them, all powered by full Tesla Cell arrays, providing three phases of power to three complementary opposite pairs of oscillators, for what I will call a Tesla Fusor. Each pair of complementary opposite oscillators are to be pointed directly at each other on opposite sides of the center, always having the exact opposite potential of each other, and slightly out of phase with the adjacent pairs, with three phases completing the full cycle of continuous rotation.

Operating at the resonant frequency of the plasma in the reactor, assuming it’s the same as the resonant frequency of the pure electron plasma in the Tesla Cells driving the process, which I do believe to be correct, all charged particles within the reactor space will be forced into a mostly one directional circular motion, swirling about the center of the reactor. Since negative chases positive, and positive chases negative, and the charges on the Tesla Cell oscillators are being rotated about the chamber, the entire mass of charged particles will be rotated likewise, inducing and amplifying a magnetic field within the plasma. Moving charges have generate their own magnetic field. The faster the movement of the charged particles, the stronger the magnetic field that more tightly binds those charged particles, forcing them together against the atomic forces of the charged particles, otherwise forcing them apart and resisting the magnetic squeeze.

The fusion process in my hypothetical fusion reactor is forced by the combination of this magnetic squeeze, and the high frequency electromagnetic perturbation of the oscillators energizing and driving the plasma, and generating the internal magnetic squeeze to begin with.

Under the influence of the rotating electromagnetic perturbation, I believe the plasma will self organize, forming it’s own internal plasma circuitry, resembling a closed loop plasma ouroboris of twin intertwined plasma ribbons, made up of charged particles, mostly following the rotation of the reactor, but with some possibly flowing backwards as part of the plasma’s own internal circuitry.

The greater the amplitude of the electromagnetic perturbation and motivation, the stronger faster the motion, and the tighter the magnetic field that does all the work driving the actual fusion. The fusion process itself will most likely require a squeeze and partial release process of amplitude modulation applied to the whole system, where the amplitude is raised up to squeeze and drive the fusion process, then is lowered to allow the system to shed it’s fusion products before raising it up again.

In any fuel cycle meant to generate power, as opposed to gamma rays or free neutrons, the neutrons in the nuclei of the ions fueling the process, will have to be dealt with and accommodated somehow. The neutronicity of a fusion reaction, the extent to which a percentage of the energy produced by the reaction is carried away in the form the momentum a stray neutron, freed by the reaction. These neutrons can damage whatever they hit, to be absorbed by the material on the inside of the reactor. Some materials can handle this better than others, but there are bound to all sorts of other restrictions on material selection when the practical professionals attempt to make this thing work, assuming they ever bother with it.

The neutrons themselves are neutral in the sense of being net neutral, being neutral on the whole as a system. Because the neutron itself is also made of charged particles called quarks and whatnot. This system of the neutron has it’s own magnetic and electric dipoles, creating a transient biased orientation within the system. I believe that it will resist perturbation, and seek to minimize this perturbation, following a path of minimum perturbation, without chasing after any of the charges causing the perturbation, fleeing from all of them. If I am wrong, then the neutron damage done on the inside of the reactor will be more or less randomly distributed within the reactor, possibly somewhat concentrated within the plain of the plasma’s rotation.

If I am right, then this may provide a means of protecting the insides of the reactor from neutron damage by channeling the stray neutrons somewhere they won’t do nearly so much damage. Perhaps they can even be collected and used for other purposes, just as Farnsworth Fusors are used commercially for that purpose. If I am right, the stray neutrons will be repelled from the plane of plasma rotation, both above and below it, potentially avoiding damage to the primary driving oscillators within the plane, and allowing for the potential collection of what are otherwise waste material byproducts that can damage the inside of the reactor. Potentially, a single such reactor could be piled on top of another, and another, and another, and turned and adjusted slightly as it extends, until it forms a complete loop of a Tokamak donut like structure.

With a different structure and a different fuel cycle, a fusion gamma ray laser can possibly be made. When two base level hydrogen atoms are fused together, free of any neutrons in their nuclei, they form an unstable isotope of helium, that quickly decays and splits back into two base hydrogen atoms, shedding gamma rays in the process. If enough of these gamma ray photons can be created, and the resulting gamma rays properly and coherently collimated, then a powerful gamma ray laser can be created with a sustainable high powered beam. Current gamma ray lasers can only fire for short intense bursts of power. But a hypothetical gamma ray laser may be capable of sustained amplitude modulated fire, with potential range to knock out orbiting satellite from ground based lasers, or even earth threatening comets and asteroids from orbiting platforms.

Fusion rocket designs made back during the cold war use a different method of fusion, known as inertial confinement, where a number of high powered lasers converge and fire upon a target of fuel, a pulsed power fusion approach where the fusion process is created for thrust rather than power generation. Current research into this type of reactor is being conducted by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory at the National Ignition Facility, and primarily for power generation purposes, rather than thrust. But it can only operate for brief periods of time because of the extreme laser energy requirements, as a feed in process. If my fusion reactor idea pans out, and the fusion laser as well, it may also make possible better fusion rockets for space travel, by providing a laser adequate to the task.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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