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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Gravity Is A Fµ©king Buzz Kill! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction: Buzz Kill #1: Faster Than Light Or Bust!

Gravity Is A Fµ©king Buzz Kill! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:

Buzz Kill #1: Faster Than Light Or Bust!

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Buzz Kill #1

Faster Than Light Or Bust! Ride FTL! Or Die Trying!

Human Freedom Cannot Survive For Long Otherwise

Faster than light space travel is absolutely essential for the freedom, and the future survival, of the human species. And “I consider it a challenge before the whole human race” that we can’t afford to lose ( We Are the Champions, Queen ). Rousing music reference aside, that’s easier said than done. I was sold a bill of goods by science fiction a movies and television. No hyperdrive. No warp speed. Damn you Roddenberry! You lied to me! And don’t even get me started on the damn metachlorians! Han shot first damn it!

When I found out that there was supposedly no way to go faster than light, I was determined to find a loop hole. The classic example from science fiction that seemed the most plausible, was the warp drive concept of Star Trek, based the the curved space-time concept of General Relativity. The fundamental problem with that, is General Relativity, and the devil in the details about how something bends nothing. It may be apocryphal internet noise, but Nicola Tesla was supposedly critic of General Relativity, doubting that something to could bend nothing. And he supposedly claimed to have to worked out his own theory explaining the gravity, light, and the motions of planets as a combination of transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic waves. But he supposedly never wrote it down, if the internet is to be believed.

But Nicola Tesla isn’t the only one with a problem with General Relativity. There is a long standing unresolved problem within modern physics, in terms of reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. For more on the state of the current debate, check out Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg’s paper, the Einstein-Myth and the Crisis in Modern Physics ( 2004 ), for a competent overview of the current mainstream debate, more competent than mine would be. When one is faced with an unavoidable fork in the road, with the signage missing or hopelessly confused, no matter what the excuse, it helps to return to an earlier point in the process that led there, back to a point where the signs still made sense.

Whether it’s true or not, I found the apocryphal Tesla gravity interesting enough to consider in my quest for loopholes on the universal speed limit, more interesting than failure at least. As a child reading comic books, I liked to play a game where I would ask myself ‘if it were real… how could it work… if it could work… if it could be real?’ Assuming the apocryphal internet Tesla can be taken at his word, how could that work? A longitudinal electromagnetic wave would essentially be like a peizo-electric compression wave within space, presumably within some sort of medium, unless we listen to the same modern physics that tells us that something can bend nothing.

But why do they say that? Originally, for as long as light had been understood to be a wave, or at least wave like, light was believed to travel through a medium known as the aether in between the sun and the stars, and the earth. The Michelson Morley experiment tried to detect this, predicting an aether wind would be detected by laser a interferometry experiment, as the earth supposedly passed through the aether as it orbited the sun.

In a Michelson Morley Interferometer, a beam of light that starts out completely in sync with itself, is split by a beam splitter, and sent along two paths, perpendicular to each other. When recombined the path lengths traveled by the two different beams will be unavoidably different. Parts of the beams will be out of sync with itself, leading to the creation of interference fringes when recombined, with a mix of light areas created by sympathetic resonance where the waves are in sync with each other, and dark areas where the waves are partially out of sync, or even completely negated, similar to the phenomenon involved with sound canceling headphones, but with light. If one path length under goes net change relative to the other, from net movement in one direction, with one path parallel to the direction of the motion of the Earths orbit, and the other one perpendicular to it, the fringes were expected be shifted in one direction by an aether wind.

But very little if any of this predicted effect was observed. This was taken as a non result, supposedly disproving the aether hypothesis, leading to all subsequent development focusing on other supposed explanations, hence General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics, and the inability to reconcile the two with each other, both taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Of the two of them, Quantum Mechanics has long track record of proven practical predictive power at least, unlike General Relativity. Some of General Relativity’s predictions have come up short, begging further explanation and finding nothing but further theoretical concoctions patching holes in faulty paradigms.

One of the predictions of General Relativity that did pan out, was the successfully observed phenomenon of frame dragging, a feature of the alleged curvature of space-time. Something, not only bending nothing, but dragging nothing along with it! Spooky! Not just action at a distance, but acting to bend and drag nothing at a very great distance! Beyond spooky!

Of course, the very possibility something dragging nothing, allows for the possibility of an aether dragging effect, just as much as a frame dragging effect. Which would negate any hopes for the detection or non detection of an aether wind settling the matter to begin with. It becomes a non falsifiable test at that point, as a mere academic exercise. Either you fail to detect what you’re not looking for, or you fail to detect what isn’t there, because you failed to ask the right questions to begin with. Either way you fail. Who is to know the difference then either way? And how exactly?

Giving the apocryphal internet Tesla the benefit of a doubt over today’s lost boys of academia, for the sake of shear desperate mad science speculation, I have made a series of wild ass guesses, or WAGs, as a part of my WAG analysis supposition system, or my WAG ASS process, my WAP, with the biggest and most self serving WAG of them all being the motivation for the present work. I hopelessly assume that there must be a way to do it, simply because the human species is doomed in the long run otherwise. My mad science WAP needs to WAG ASS for humanity.

WAG #1: Why yes Virginia! There is an aether cloud! But we’re all a part of it! We are made from it! And it’s electromagnetic! We are the cloud electromagnetic!

The fundamental error made by the original Michelson Morley Experiment, was assuming that the aether was only the medium through which light travels in a vacuum, rather than understanding that it was the medium for all of the observable phenomenon that we take for granted as existence. I believe it is the medium for the forces between the electrons, protons, and neutrons. And it may perhaps even be a medium for the forces between the quarks that make of those particles. We are creatures of aether.

If you assume otherwise, and you assume that aether is separate and apart from you, out in the vacuum of space, you would then erroneously believe that it would just pass us by as we swim through it, without it getting in the way somehow. But all of our precious solid particles are just wave systems traveling through the effective space, provided by the aether medium. We don’t pass through the aether medium. We pass in it. Because we exist within it. And we cannot exist without it. ‘Empty space’ is just the aether medium in a relatively uncomplicated state, seemingly void, but never truly empty.

Particles undergo constant internal agitation within themselves, which interacts with the constant electromagnetic froth and perturbation from without. The particles internal perturbation provides an electromagnetic push and pull outwardly against the surrounding medium. Seeking to minimize their perturbation, the aether medium is partially displaced from the source of the perturbation, with ever decreasing intensity to the effect as it radiates outward spherically from source of the perturbation at the center. Presumably, all of the outward radiating longitudinal electromagnetic waves, from all the various particles containing mass, are simply super imposed upon each other, adding to each other’s froth and perturbation, adding to the intensity of the displacement effect radiating outward from the combined system.

The resulting variance in the density of the aether leads to a sloping density as you move closer in to the source of the perturbation. Particles passing through the aether under the influence of this perturbation will seek to continue their own perturbation with minimum interference. Aether of less density should provide less resistance to this, leading the particle to take the path of least resistance as a system, pursuing the path of least resistance in terms of it’s own continuing internal agitation, and following that path inward, closer and closer in to the source.

These particles systems generating this froth and perturbation will likewise be attracted to each other by virtue of falling into each others ruts. I’ll perturb your back, if you perturb mine. I visualize this as a pair of electromagnetic egg beaters churning an aether batter. The area immediately surrounding the eggbeaters seems to dip down as it’s pushed away by the egg beaters, but not completely, because the batter pushes back. If the two eggbeaters are brought closure together, a relative void will form between them, making difficult to hold then apart as they’ll want to take the path of least resistance to their perturbation of the aether batter, until they crash directly into the source and can’t go further.

Essentially, the supposed curvature of space-time, is simply a function of the variability of aether density, a deformation of the aether medium resulting from the churn, burn, and turn of systems of mass, locked into their own perpetual internal agitation, and sharing the perturbing love with the rest of existence all around it. And that’s the good news! If it’s electromagnetic, and it can be electromagnetically perturbed, then it can be manipulated and ‘warped’ electromagnetically. If only mass can do that, then we’re most likely SOL for warp speed as a practical matter. Sorry, no magical dilithium crystals to be found here.

WAG #2: The speed of light is slow lane! Sub-FTL is for inevitably extinct losers!

It’s not just that it would suck if nothing could faster than the speed of light, it simply can’t be, because the math doesn’t add up otherwise, depending on who you ask. Why does it depend on who you ask, you might ask? It depends upon who’s basic assumptions you believe. It was Pierre-Simon Laplace who calculated that it was about 7x106 times as fast as the speed of light, orders of magnitude faster. Modern thinking disagrees. But modern thinking is a dead end, that has already been weighed and measured, and been shown wanting.

If gravity is a function of longitudinal electromagnetic waves, it makes sense intuitively that they should be much faster than their transverse counterpart. It is like the comparison with sound waves traveling in water( longitudinal ), versus the surface waves( transverse ), propagating much more slowly by comparison within the same medium. The sidewinder will always be slower than the direct approach.

WAG #3: The Michelson Morley Experiment is where it all went wrong, and where it can all go right again.

If I am right about why the Michelson Morley Experiment failed in it’s principle task, and the follow on consequence as a century long red herring for science, then only doing the same experiment right in some way will set things right. Otherwise, it will always be a block against further consideration of the aether hypothesis, almost no matter what other data comes along. And the reason why it failed may be a way to detect gravity waves directly from the earth beneath our feet.

If there are longitudinal electromagnetic waves within the aether that are responsible for gravity, then there also conveniently coming from the earth beneath our feet, without the need hopefully, of recourse to exotic spacecraft, or other over priced hardware to perform science on. In fact, it may have been inconvenient for Michelson Morley, having thrown off their experiment because they weren’t looking for an effect of gravity waves, in my mad science speculation. The confirmed prediction of frame dragging within General Relativity supports the aether hypothesis even more than General Relativity, and explains the Michelson Morley result in my view.

In order to confirm this hypothetically, we need to put the Michelson Morley Interferometer on a table top attached to a very smooth, beyond smooth swivel, to gently swing it from being parallel to the earth surface, parallel to the tangent to the plane, to being perpendicular with the plane tangent to the earth surface. Place the interferometer on the table top so that one arm is parallel to the axis of the swivel, and remains parallel to the surface of the earth at all points throughout the movement of the table’s swivel. The other arm of the interferometer will then go from being parallel to earth surface at one point in the movement of the swivel, then perpendicular to the earth at another point in the table’s motion.

When the table is level, you have a more or less conventional Michelson Morley interferometer, as a reference frame image. Then tilt the table until one of arms is perpendicular to the earth to take another snapshot with the exact same settings and calibrations as the reference frame, and compare and contrast the two images. If I’m right, there may be a diminished clarity and focus in the appearance of the interference fringes between the two images. The effect may even be too subtle to see, depending on the sensitivity of the setup.

When a hypothetical longitudinal electromagnetic wave within the aether medium, travels along the length of an arm of the interferometer, the optical path length oscillates slightly, perhaps so slightly it may not be detectable. The more sensitive the laser used in this type of interferometer, the more sensitive the device will be to changes in the path length. A UV laser, or a gamma ray laser will probably be required for maximum sensitivity. And in order to eliminate any possible environmental interference as an excuse, the entire swiveling table top device should be placed in a vacuum chamber for the experiment. But the smoothness of the swivel is beyond crucial. Because we must able to calibrate everything perfectly carefully, with respect to perfectly sensitive equipment, and then be able to move the damn thing without perfectly screwing it all up.

The size of the interferometer is of no consequence to the sensitivity, compared to the frequency of the laser. But you have to be able to fit your device, laser and all, inside the vacuum chamber. And even if you manage that, the device may not be sensitive enough to have an effect noticable for the human eye. Computer vision algorithms may be able to be devised that can measure and quantify the percentage of difference between the reference frame image and the perpendicular frame image.

Eventually, more clever and cunning laser monkeys than I, may be able to devise and interferometer that does this automatically and continuously, comparing the optical difference directly, perhaps even for multiple directions simultaneously. With multiple identical such hypothetical gravimetric monitors, placed widely across the globe, and taking multiple snapshots, at multiple points in earths orbit, might be able to give us a real time snap shot of our nearby galactic neighborhood, without the time delay on the information that comes with being light based. The earth’s own gravity will have to be mapped by these same devices, to zero out their reference frame, allowing them to serve as a proper scale, compensated for, and digitally removed for the sake of an accurate picture. Orbiting gravimetric monitor arrays may have to take up the task, for a more sensitive and in depth real time map.

WAG #4: An Aether Wave Drive may be able to be built, to ride FTL or die trying!

High frequency, high potential electromagnetic oscillators, covering the outside hull of a hypothetical spaceship, may be able to be tuned to the frequency of gravity, a resonant frequency of the aether, with multiple phases of operation, messaging a hypothetical plasma of some sort. With phase propagation from front to back of the ship, in order to grab aether with longitudinal electromagnetic waves, and drag it backwards, propelling the ship forward, an aether bubble may envelope the ship, helping to shield it from the aether being actively spread in front of it, and pulled around it’s little bubble, pushing the bubble forward. I imagine it functioning similarly to how a paramecium swims through it’s liquid environment, with the coordinated movement of tiny hairlike structures all over the cell membrane of the single celled organism. Except the medium is supposedly electromagnetic, and the tiny hairs are the coordinated actions of multiple phases of high frequency electromagnetic oscillators, covering the surface of the entire ship, forming a space propulsion exoskeleton.

Imagine a sphere with an axis, where the north pole points in the direction of the forward motion, and the south pole is the rear end, for a hypothetical spherical space craft. Sub divide the sphere in layers along it’s axis, from north to south, from front to back. Give each layer a slightly different high frequency high potential oscillator, with each slightly out of phase with it’s adjacent layers, and with a phase propagation along it’s axis, from north to south, from front to back, in the opposite direction of forward motion.

At the top, in the front of craft, the initial oscillator effectively projects outward to the front primarily, relative to other adjacent oscillators of a slightly different phase surrounding it. The high frequency high potential oscillation perturbs the aether with it’s supposed resonant frequency, assuming we can derive that from observations. Perturbation actively seeks to displace aether that doesn’t want to be be displaced, and reactively pushes back. In isolation this goes no where. But with the adjacent oscillators slightly out of phase, the aether seeking to minimize it’s own perturbation, will spread to the side, to taking the path of least resistance to maintaining the status quo with minimum additional perturbation. Next to that layer oscillators is of course another oscillators slightly out of phase, which then does the same thing, continuing to spread the aether electromagnetically, by electromagnetically massaging and manipulating it with longitudinal eletromagnetic waves, essentially artificial gravity waves.

In my view, any ordinary planetary body emits spherically, what is essentially a super summation of all the standing longitudinal electromagnetic waves coming from all of the mass of the physical body. As the body moves forward through the surrounding aether, the strength of the effect on the leading side will be stronger, and therefore more effective via a Doppler effect within the aether. The effect on the rear side will be the weakest, encouraging more rapid fill in behind, dragging the aether/frame along with it, hypothetically done in such a way that conserves the resulting natural momentum, as a function of the conservation of energy within the aether.

By introducing polyphase oscillation with net phase propagation, we introduce an unnatural directionality to the process, compared to the natural standing wave, effectively inducing and augmenting momentum into the existing mass/aether system traveling through space, creating acceleration due to artificial gravity. In my view, gravity can be artificially created and directed, but never stopped or negated. Artificial gravity is just more froth to the system of froth and it’s side effects. Where natural gravity is less pronounced, you might be able to make some artificially, and direct it. But where it is plentiful and robust, it cannot be avoided or negated, but it should be able to be counteracted by creating sufficient artificial gravity with a contrary direction, but only so much.

WAG #5: I presume to have to something to say about it! Whether anyone listens or not!

I have written a few of speculative works, regarding a few speculative technologies, that I a speculate might make a difference, for a few of these matters, in Engineering is a Fµ©king Pain, Works of Mad Science Semi-Fiction, Pain #1-3. High frequency plasma resonance may create a power source capable of easily effecting and massaging the aether, by resonating it as a plasma in common. Whether or not they have the same resonant frequency is the only question in my mind, but I suspect so. And I suspect that the resonant frequency of the hypothetical Tesla Cells, and the resonant frequency of aether may be the same, and for the same reasons. 

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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