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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction Spell #3: The Ying And Yang

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction

Spell #3: The Ying And Yang

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Spell # 3

The Ying And Yang Of The Objective Versus The Subjective

Existential Reality Versus Perceptive Cognition And The Logic Of Both

The Daoist concept of the dynamic inter-relation and inter-change of the complimentary opposites of ying and yang, is an often misunderstood concept. Often it is over simplified to take on some simple minded westernized moralization, such as good versus evil, not inherent within the original concept, or within the original cultural context as such. The key characteristic a genuine ying yang dynamic, is the presence of the inter-change as well as inter-play of the complimentary opposites, something not possible with fundamentally conflicting ones. It is a form of mutual determinism, not fundamental or irreconcilable opposition.

The concept of mutual determinism may seem superficially to be a simple tautology, seemingly an example of circular logic to be sure. Even though we may not know fully the proper causality of how A leads to B and then B leads to A, if it still keeps happening that way, then there must be some force or factor driving and determining that dynamic, and keeping it all going as such. Recognizing the dynamic pattern in the absence of knowing the driving factor for it, is not a tautology so much as an unavoidable empirical observation. Even before we knew and understood clearly about the orbits of the planets around the Sun, we knew definitively, and without question that day followed night, with night following day, and that winter followed summer, with summer following winter.

Rational and scientific truth can be defined as a product of it’s two fundamental and unavoidably mandatory components, the objective and the subjective, forming a form of ying and yang dynamic of reality. For the sake of clarity in discussion, if we define the yang of this dynamic as the objective physical existential truth, it is essentially a binary truth of either it is or it is not. Although simple in basic construction, the binary form of information can contain infinite complexity and variety of binary detail. All other information is of the emergent realm of the subjective, the ying. Technically speaking, all information of any form, is it self an entirely subjective concept and phenomenon resulting from and within the subjective perception and a consideration of subjective consciousness. Thus the ying is the subjective emergent phenomenon, which emerges from the objective physical existence, or yang side of the ying and yang dynamic, to then effect and change the objective, which then in turn effects and changes the subjective, as an infinite feedback loop of causal reality.

At the base of all truth resides an objective existential base layer of the physical substance of reality it self. Whatever that may actually be, that is the objective truth irregardless of how we observe, analyze, or classify it. All else is emergent phenomenon, a complex product of complex existential truth and the true complex causality thereof, the complex nuts and bolts becoming aware of nuts and bolts, because awareness emerged out of the functioning of the nuts and bolts, defining the words and the rules for nuts and bolts, to keep track of the nuts and bolts. We are all just the ghosts in the universal machine, emergent phenomenon ourselves in every way that matters to us, contemplating the nature of the machine and of our roles as glorified ghosts within it.

Perception, however flawed and hopelessly myopic, is the only tether of the subjective to the objective. If this tether is discredited or otherwise disregarded, for whatever reason, then there are no rational bounds left for the subjectivist and any kind of willful subjectivism. There is no bottom to the pit of madness that results, and death inevitably follows, sooner rather than later. If we embrace this tether for dear life, like the lifeline against madness that it is, then we find ourselves partially thwarted, limited by the cone of certainty, a kind of tether of subjective perception viewed in a mirror darkly, providing a very wonky compass as a limited guide.

However limited our guides may be, they are our only guides to sanity, for the sake of truth and life in avoidance of madness and death, neither the objective nor the subjective can be discarded or disregarded for the sake of the truth. The subjective perception of reality effects our objective actions within objective existence, influencing it and changing it objectively. To ignore this is not objective, it is blatantly myopic and willfully ignorant. Objectivism, in whatever form, is nothing less than the willfully materialist denial and myopia of a pseudo-rational skepticism, a willfully delusional and irrational philosophy, resembling more the pride of the dogma and the doctrines of pseudo-intellectual authority, than anything of genuine reason.

Neither objectivism nor subjectivism by themselves, in any of their various forms, constitute any form of reason whatsoever, but instead constitute a pair fundamentally opposite forms of willful denial and willful ignorance, as well as myopic madness. Since objective reality determines the quality of subjective truth, which in turn helps determine the course of objective change, the objective versus the subjective forms a proper ying and yang relation of two absolutely necessary halves, both unavoidably required for the whole truth. The cone of certainty provides our only real beginning clue and starting place from which to proceed, starting from information of greater certainty and proceeding with information of least some consistency, if not as certain. The judging and weighing of consistency as a guide to the truth, is bound to become a probabilistic exercise, judging truth by recurrence rate of repeating recognizable simple patterns in the complex subjective perceptual noise, as our only available guide to the underlying existential reality.

Of course, we don’t normally think in terms of this sort of systematic guessing game, but this is what the scientific method was designed to be. This is it’s function and it’s justification, as a systematic sorting mechanism on subjective universal noise, by the necessity of it’s purpose in service to life successfully navigating that noise for the sake of the objective survival as well as the subjective prosperity of our objective posterity. If we completely forget this purpose and neglect to understand this design, then the rules will seem arbitrary and effectively discredited, inevitably cheated at every opportunity and effectively nullified or rendered meaningless otherwise as a result, broken compasses with arms missing guiding us to nowhere but inevitable madness if left uncorrected.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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