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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Gravity Is A Fµ©king Buzz Kill! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction:

By Ozymandias The Mad


Buzz Kill 2

Ride FTL Or Die Trying! So… How Do The Aliens Do It?

Hypothetically Speaking… Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge! WAG! WAG!

It must be made clear at the outset, that there is no guarantee that there is any way to go faster than light at all, just because we really want it. Not even if we really need it, as I believe human freedom desperately does in order to survive in the long term. And witness accounts of UFO sightings, and alien encounters of various kinds, are not necessarily proof of this possibility, even if we take all eyewitness accounts as sincere, honest, and as accurate as humanly possible. But if we assume this to be the case for the sake of speculative argumentation, we might just happen upon a path to achieve it, assuming it’s possible to begin with. If you want the right answers, you have to ask the right questions, even crazy sounding speculative ones. So the first question is always ‘What is the right question?’

Assuming the the UFO phenomenon to be real, the first question becomes ‘How do the aliens do it?’ But we must also ask if they in fact do it at all. The appearance and behavior of the modern UFO phenomenon would seem to suggest advanced technology of extra-terrestrial origin. This has largely been assumed in the past among the believers in the phenomenon. This assumption then becomes self reinforcing, as any contradictory information is dismissed as a bogus report, if it doesn’t conform to a preconceived view of the researcher.

But not every UFO researcher has taken this approach. Dr. Jacques Vallée has written a member of books on the subject taking the less biased approach, surveying the broader totality of reports without discrimination against nonconforming ones, including Dimensions ( 1988 ) and Confrontations ( 1990 ). When systematically surveyed this way, and properly sorted and characterized, the overall phenomenon is far more varied than the usual pop culture Hollywood portrayal of it, often not even appearing as physical craft so much as solid balls of light with controlled flight. Among the physical craft observed, there are all sorts of variants besides the stereotypical flying saucers, including cylinders and other geometric shapes, even the infamous black triangles that are supposedly produced by the US government, depending on who you ask.

In addition to moving at extreme speeds with no obvious means of propulsion through the air, UFOs are often observed emerging and submerging from bodies of water, as well as moving at extreme speeds through the water, seemingly without any substantial resistance. Not only do they move with extreme speed, they change direction and speed extremely quickly, seemingly defying the conservation of momentum and/or the hypothetical needs of any living occupants to avoid being crushed by the extreme Gs produced by such maneuvering. Even if UFOs appear to be physical craft, they may appear translucent or partially see through, as if it were a hologram projected into the sky. The US government is known to have advanced holographic projection technology via project Blue Beam, supposedly capable of creating convincing completely solid looking fake projections.

However, the phenomenon documented by Dr. Vallée goes back well before the modern era, well before the supposed Roswell incident, with even biblical accounts. The pattern of behavior of the occupants of these craft often exhibit behavior that does not conform to the extra-terrestrial explorer survey mission explanation, but does conform to the behavior of fairy folk from folk tales. Fairy encounters would often involve time distortion effects involving fairy rings, similar to time dilation and the missing time of UFO abductees. Ariel phenomenon in the past has also taken on the appearance of advanced air ships, seemingly man made, occupied, and operated, but during a time from before man could make any such thing.

This wide and varied phenomenon, combined with the duration of time with which we have been making these observations and having these encounters, has led Dr. Vallée to suggest that the phenomenon may be of extra-dimensional origin, rather than extra-terrestrial. If he is correct, then the UFO phenomenon itself may not be evidence of the possibility of going faster than light at all, even if we take all such observations at face value. However, in my own speculations about going faster than light, I have concocted a loose framework that might eventually be able to explain how it could be done, outlined in Buzz Kill 1. If I’m right, the means to go faster than light may also provide the ability to travel trans-dimensionally. So it needn’t necessarily be a question of either or. The UFO phenomenon could be a combination of both extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional influences and factors.

My rough concoction is based on potentially apocryphal internet noise about Nicola Tesla’s notion of gravity being produced by longitudinal electromagnetic waves within the aether ( courtesy of ). I can imagine a drive system produced by a vehicle being covered with thousands, if not millions or billions, of relatively high potential and high frequency electromagnetic oscillators, as a propulsion exoskeleton. All of which would be tuned to the resonant frequency of the hypothetical aether in question, but with different phases of operation. All arranged to effect a net phase propagation among the oscillators from the front of the vehicle to the back, messaging the aether away from the front and towards the back. I visualize it operating similarly to the way a paramecium swims through it’s liquid environment, with the coordinated actions of all the tiny little hair like structures all over the cell membrane of the single celled organism.

By doing so, the aether occupied by the craft and everything in it, would be effectively isolated, either partially or completely from the surrounding aether, as the aether is moved around it by the hypothetical aether wave drive system, effectively an artificial gravity drive. As such, it may also bend light partially around the vehicle by virtue of the aether distortions created by the drive system manipulating it, creating an aether lensing effect, similar to gravitational lensing, but with artificial gravity. This may create an artificial appearance of translucency, or other visual distortions, assuming you can see the craft at all, and may even allow it to disappear at will, as a side benefit to the drive system’s operation. The infamous Philadelphia Experiment was supposedly testing some new and novel electromagnetic stealth invisibility technology, that supposedly shifted a naval vessel out of our existence temporarily. But I wouldn’t really know about that exactly.

Additionally, the drive systems operation will no doubt cause such a craft to be normally surrounded by a relatively high energy plasma, a high energy cloud of charged particles. Even with high energy, the plasma itself may not be visible to the naked eye. But when energized and effected in just the right way, it may not only be visible, but it may surround the craft in an opaque cloak of glowing plasma. Making the craft appear to be nothing but a glowing ball of light. This effective plasma energy force field may also be distorted as to it’s general shape, making the plasma object appear to change physical shape and configuration.

Even without the more severe visual distortions, most likely only occurring during higher energy operations and maneuvers, the hypothetical drive system would also allow for extreme maneuverability, without having to experience fatally excessive Gs. In my view, the speed of light is only the speed limit of the aether, and anything moving through it in the normal manner, save for the longitudinal electromagnetic waves of gravity itself, most likely orders of magnitude faster than light, according Pierre-Simon Laplace’s calculations. With the isolation of the craft and it’s contents, within an aether bubble of it’s own making, the occupants of the craft could be sitting perfectly still relative to the aether they’re in, relative to their own inertial reference frame, while the the bubble itself moves faster than light, relative to the aether outside the bubble. With this isolation fully in effect, the craft could go from being perfectly still and stationary, to then accelerate to the speed of light without it’s occupants even feeling it, all without truly violating any conservation laws, particularly the conservation of momentum.

Key to all of this, is the capacity to hypothetically tune one’s oscillators to the resonant frequency of the aether. But the aether needn’t have only one resonant frequency. There may even be an infinite number of resonant notches on the aether radio dial, with each notch on the dial referencing one time continuum, among an infinite number of such parallel continuum. If so, my hypothetical aether wave drive may also allow a craft to phase shift itself from one time continuum to another parallel continuum, time traveling sideways, as opposed to forward or backward, similar in nature the supposed fate of the Philadelphia Experiment. Such a craft may even be able to pass through other solid objects, perhaps even the side of a mountain without harm.

With technology capable of manipulating the aether, we may even be able to artificially shape conduits through the aether, similar to the hypothetical worm holes, supposedly made possible the the curved space-time concept of General Relativity. An artificially synchronized quantum entanglement could link two ends of a hypothetical aether conduit, that passes through stars and other physical objects, without interfering with them, or even being detectable by them. The entire conduit may have the aether accelerated unidirectionally within it, allowing craft within to simply go with the flow within it, and go faster than light as a result, even without the craft having it’s own aether wave drive.

But what is the nature of these hypothetical resonant frequencies? Based on the successfully observed predictions of General relativity, we know that time is not absolute, and is mutable by gravity. I suspect that the frequency of gravity is constant for our particular continuum, and constant, but with different frequencies, for every other such continuum. And the frequency of gravity falling within one particular notch on the aether radio dial, organizes everything within the particular continuum defined by that notch.

Determining those resonant frequencies, even for our own continuum, is no easy task. As it stands now, science has not yet even succeeded in detecting or proving the existence of the aether to begin with. And whether or not we can create oscillators potent enough, or of high enough frequency to do the job, even if we do detect and prove the existence of the aether, is also very far from a given. In Buzz Kill 1, I proposed conducting a variation of the Michleson Morley experiment, to prove my own explanation as to why they failed to detect the aether wind that they were looking for. I believe it was because of an aether dragging effect, just like the successfully observed and confirmed frame dragging effect of General Relativity, caused by the action of gravity within the aether. Absent something like that, we cannot even begin to approach the problem seriously, let alone go faster than light, or die trying.

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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