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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction Poison #1: General Rules For Rational Adult Conversation

Politics Are Fµ©king Poison! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction

Poison #1: General Rules For Rational Adult Conversation

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Poison #1

General Rules For Rational Adult Conversation

The Triumph Of Reason Over The Inevitable Mindless Violence In It’s Absence

1. Silence is a golden peace not to be destroyed by pointless gratuitous noise for no reason.

Silence and peace are their own natural but temporary reward for tolerating and surviving the conflict and noise of unavoidable and inevitable natural chaos on the one hand, or man made political bologna sausage on the other, or any combination thereof. And no one automatically owes anyone else a conversation without good reason.

‘Words like violence… break the silence,’ Depeche Mode ( Enjoy The Silence ).

2. Think before you speak!

As a function of rule number one, silence is not to be dispensed with in the absence of good reason, defined here as being of, about, or a product of logic and reason, with notable exceptions for humor, music, and anything of genuinely and logically relevant human interest thereof. As a consequence, reason must be utilized internal to one’s own mind in order to determine whether or not to ‘break the silence.’ Otherwise, it’s just gratuitous noise and you’re just making a pointless pest of yourself just to make noise and make yourself the center of attention for the sake of your own ego.

3. Words, in and of themselves, are not magic.

There are no magic words that must be believed without questioning or explanation, by virtue of their non-existent magic. Government words are not magic because government itself is not magic, and therefore cannot produce anything even remotely as magical as words that must be believed without question or explanation. The media’s words are not magic for the same reason that the government’s words are not magic, and they do not become magic by repeating them endlessly, incorporating the non-magic words of government, or by being read from a non-magic teleprompter on a fancy non-magic set.

4. Explain it or shove it.

Speaking without rational forethought or consideration is already a violation of the first three rules. If one does not want to be considered in violation by any rational person, a proper and thorough communication of one’s thinking must be expected to be required for the sake of any rational consideration, in order to be taken reasonably seriously. Because your words are not magic, no one has to take your word for it if you say you have your reasons that you supposedly don’t have to explain to anyone.

If you can’t explain something, that should be your first clue that you’re full of bologna sausage about it. In which case you should really reconsider wasting everyone’s time with it, if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassing yourself. As they say, ‘it is better to remain silent and have people suspect that your a moron, rather than open your mouth and confirm their suspicions.’

The notable exceptions to the above rule are of course humor and music. Humor and music are both their own rewards, if their any good. Music cannot ever be truly explained or justified, but it never really needs to be if anyone actually likes it, for whatever reason they choose. Humor does not have to be explained because, if it is actually funny to anyone, then it already serves a perfectly rational purpose. Humor is simply an evolved absurdity identification and correction mechanism. Absurdity is simply the negation of, or relative absence of logic itself. As such, humor is fundamentally an instinctive self-correction mechanism for the otherwise willful irrationality of the human mind.

5. Take ‘NO’ for an answer and get the Fµ©k over it! No one owes you a ‘YES!’ That is nothing but mindless tactic of rhetorical rape!

Verbal purveyors of bologna sausage, tend to play games rather than engage in actual reason because they are generally too stupid to tell the difference. They play games because that is all they can do, precisely because they cannot tell the difference. Their lives are a perpetual gauntlet of game playing where they struggle not be revealed as the idiots that they are, all the while trying to maintain this false impression by winning every argument, by any means necessary or expedient. But they do so by playing stupid crab bucket games, seeking to dominate by interrupting and talking over people that are obviously smarter than they are, to the point of becoming verbal abuse, sometimes to be followed by actual physical abuse in extreme cases.

In general, this tactic is primarily employed by those people with an easily frustrated and limited patience, a sign of general relative mental incompetence, subconscious inferiority, and general mental weaknesses of one sort or another. Gandhi once famously said that “violence is the last resort of the incompetent.” But we are all relatively incompetent to some extent. And verbal abuse resulting from frustrated impatience, is a clear sign of relative mental incompetence. Thus the winner in terms of patience and competence, becomes the loser by virtue of failing before the ‘winner’ of speed, in terms of abuse and dominance.

Otherwise, they simply ignore what they don’t want to here, and proceed forward as if they’ve already heard what they think should be the right answer. Actual physical rape is not that different, at least not as far as the underlying motivating disposition is concerned. It is simply the same attitude taken to it’s logical and violent extreme when applied to sex. It is often said by experts and rape victims that rape is not about sex, but about domination and power. No doubt people who engage in one, are likely to engage in the other, as a habitual tendency of the weak, inferior, and stupid, lashing out in acts of frustrated overcompensation, instinctively overcompensating for the truth about themselves that they can never face or completely understand, by virtue of their obvious mental inferiority, as well as the deformity of their character.

6. Mind your own business! Stay the Fµ©k out of where you’re not invited!

Nothing about other people is automatically any of your business, if it does not effect you, does not explicitly pertain to you, is not explicitly for you, or doesn’t pertain to any of these matters with respect to your own friends and family. Even with respect to family and friends, nothing about their personal individual adult lives is necessarily or automatically any of your business, especially if they tell you explicitly to stay the Fµ©k out of it because they decided that it’s none of your business. Take ‘none of your business’ for an answer and Fµ©k of with it. Learn and adhere to logical personal boundaries. Never presume to expect or demand an explanation for things that are not known and understood to be any of your business.

7. Never presume to be an exception to the rules one through six. And never presume to be entitled to be treated as an exception to the those rules. Get the Fµ©k over yourself!

No one automatically has to abide by your precious self-anointed, self-appointed, self-centered sense of self-importance and self-exceptionalism. There is no such entitlement, of any such kind! Which is self-explanatory to anyone with a brain! No one owes you anything! Get the Fµ©k over it! And Fµ©k off with it! In the absence of the rules for rational adult conversation, prison rules, or the law of the jungle, will automatically dominate by default. Essentially it becomes an issue of make me or shove it, and do as I say or I will shove you, as hard and as long as is necessary.

Fin. In general, all human communication and interaction can be considered as belonging to five different categories beyond silence and short of violence.

1. Explanation

2. Obfuscation

3. Humor

4. Music & Art

5. Generally Interesting Information

a. AKA FYI ( in general, take it or leave it, believe it or not )

If you aren’t funny and have no musical or artistic talent, then that leaves you with only three real options short of silence or violence.

1. If you don’t know anything interesting, useful, or pertinent, then shove it! No body in their right mind will care to hear it! Do yourself a favor and shut your blow hole, even if only to avoid embarrassing yourself around people who actually know things.

2. If you supposedly know anything that you actually understand, then explain it, if you can. If not, it’s because you don’t really understand it, in order properly explain it, and you should seriously reconsider it, again if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassment among people who know better and can tell the difference.

3. If you still insist on talking anyway, then you are talking out of your ass! Even then you might still get away with it, and without embarrassment, if everyone around you is just as ill informed, irrational, or just plain as stupid, as you are. If this is the situation you find yourself in, then you are most likely the member of a cult, whether you admit it or not, and whether you understand it or not. In the last resort of the incompetent just short of violence, occult obfuscation becomes all you have left as a recourse, whether consciously within the mind of a grifter, or instinctively as the defensive coping mechanism within the spiritual malware of cult programming, dodging and weaving, admitting nothing and denying everything counter to programming, and distracting attention from all of this by countering with disparaging if not demonizing accusations. As the famous Stevie Wonder song Superstition sings, ‘when you believe in things you don’t understand… you will suffer… superstition aint the way!’

If this suffering is to be avoided in this situation, then there is only the golden silence of rule number one as a recourse. After all, we supposedly have a right to remain silent. Don’t we?

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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