Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction
Spell #7: Free Will Is Fµ©king Magic!
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Spell #7
Free Will Is Fµ©king Magic!
Just Don’t Look Too Closely Or The Magical Mirage Is Destroyed!
The mirage of the will is virtually absolute, while the will itself is anything but. The veil of infinite complexity applies just as well, if not more so, to the mystery of human nature, as it does to the nature of the aether. Within the finite material confines of physical human skull, there is nonetheless an infinite array of details, as well as possibilities and potentials. That is not to say that just any damn thing you can imagine is possible. But within the confines of what is possible, there lies potential for an infinite variety of possibilities and combinations thereof. The human imagination itself has potential for an infinite variety of concocted nonsense, and the combinations thereof. The present work may even be evidence of that. Mad Science Forever Bitches!
In addition to the infinite complexity of even ordinary inanimate matter, like dirt, rocks, and whatnot, the human mind is more complicated than that, as is life in general, as life itself is an additional layer of infinite complexity and organization of otherwise ordinary matter. And sentient or semi-sentient life in general is also an additional layer of infinite complexity piled upon the infinite complexity already there within life in general, with the human mind being the most complex version of this that we know of. Infinite complexity, piled upon infinite complexity, piled upon infinite complexity, does not exactly add up to any real chance of complete predictability or control. It is like an infinite tempest of chaos, contained within the finite teacup of the human skull.
Nietzsche wrote a great deal about the will in various forms, most famously the will to power. But he did not believe that the will could be free. In a completely deterministic universe, there simply cannot be any such thing as a genuinely free will, only a mirage born of the veil of infinite complexity. The veil of infinite complexity hides an infinitely complex causality, which becomes almost completely incomprehensible and therefor almost completely unpredictable, by virtue of that complexity. Adding to this the veil of uncertainty, by virtue of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the human mind becomes it’s own relatively inscrutable quantum puzzle box, where the only clues to what’s going on inside the human puzzle box, comes from reading the tea leaves and entrails of a human’s actions and words. Since none of us are mind readers after all, as far as I know.
Complex living systems are exceedingly difficult to examine in terms the deeper details of there ongoing operations and behaviors, while they are still living and functioning, without impairing or damaging their functioning in the process, or even killing them. For the same reason that the mathematics of probability and statistics must be brought to bear on the quantum puzzle box, the same sort of mathematics must be brought to bear on the human puzzle box by modern medicine. Most people don’t realize this and would prefer not to hear about it when trying to get reassurances by the doctor.
Doctors are trained to exude excess confidence in general for this purpose, because no one wants to know that it is all an unavoidably chancy but educated guessing game, by the nature and necessity of dealing with the human puzzle box. To believe that you can reliably predict or control human nature, let alone dictate it and determine it without destroying it, is as futile as arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a human puzzle box. Perhaps they dance on the head of steam from the tempest of chaos within the human teacup.
The mirage of free will cannot be easily penetrated or dispelled, and can never be so completely without it’s total destruction. And can never be partially so without a partial destruction of it’s functional competence, rendering it partially or completely useless, and not worth controlling in the first place. Over the centuries of human civilization, human tyrants and control freaks of every kind have endeavored to control the human mind and bend it’s will as they see fit, without any real success outside of diminishing the general capacity of the human herd as a whole, making them easier to convince at the cost of functional productivity.
Deprivation of the nutrition of peasants was the most common method, rendering the herd weak minded and mentally deficient from the lack of adequate protein for the brain to function properly, relative to the inherited elite. Chemical methods, such as the fluoridation of the water, make use of the chemical fluoride, which is known to cause mental impairment, have been employed in more recent decades. There is even actual serious consideration of the explicit drugging of the general population, with substances like Lithium.
In the 60’s and 70’s, the notorious MK Ultra project lured experimental test subjects using combinations of drugs and sex with prostitutes, who would then dose them without there knowledge and consent with more powerful mind altering substances, like LSD and others. These test subjects would then be subjected to further manipulation under the influence of these drugs, while there ability to resist suggestion was temporarily but completely destroyed. Just how effective these methods are cannot be fully known to us. But there is speculation of links to the creation of the Manson Family, the Jim Jones Cult, and virtually the entire first generation of moronic communist hippies. The proof clearly seems to be in the pudding.
But all of these examples either partially or completely destroy the mental capacity of their subjects, limiting their usefulness. But of course any fool can shoot a gun or swing a knife, if not necessarily with accuracy or competence, i. e. Surhan Surhan, not to mention Charles Manson himself and the entire Manson Family. How else do explain the staff of CNN and most major universities?
‘The hand that rocks the cradle… is the hand that rules the world’ is a well known saying that expresses the power of parenting in general, and the role of the mother especially, in determining the beliefs of future within the minds of the next generation, who will in turn determine the shape of the future when the grow up into it. In schools of education where they teach the teachers, they instruct people in the legal role they play as teachers, with the phrase ‘In Loco Parentis,’ essentially meaning ‘in place of the parent,’ in place of the rightful hand that is supposed to be rocking the cradle. So that they may be the hand the rules the world of the future.
This was the real motivation behind tyrannical Prussion kings establishing the first system of compulsory public education. And it is also the real motivation for the call to abolish the family, written into the Communist Manifesto, for the artificial collective of the state to replace the natural organic collective of the family, in order for the state to have an absolute monopoly on the rocking of the cradle, and determining the future. To this day, public school education is more about operant conditioning than actual education. It is all about reward and punishment, in order to condition and cultivate acceptance without thinking, with functional minimum of any actual understanding or capacity to reason.
Excessive levels of this sort of conditioning can render people completely incapable of any truly independent thought. The doctrines and dogmas themselves then can be added to this process to induce what can be described as a mild effective brain damage resulting from excessive indoctrination with inherently contradictory nonsense, to the point where so much cognitive dissonance in induced that the victim can no longer think critically to any extent without discomfort and confusion. The doctrines become merely something for their emotions to fixate upon, rather than for their brains to actually think about, a properly Orwellian state of double think, willfully blind to contradiction due to becoming numb to it, nose blind to one’s own mental bologna sausage.
These sorts of people then can be easily manipulated by social media algorithms, addicted to the dopamine hits from the likes, retweets, and whatnot. They become mere mindless drones, slaves to the algorithms, easily weaponized in the streets at the flip of a switch, the click of a mouse, or a simple set of keystrokes. But all of these supposedly useful idiots are of course of limited usefulness by virtue of being idiots, but even an idiot can shoot a gun, swing a knife, hurl a Molotov cocktail, or read from a teleprompter on CNN. After all, just like The Who sang, ‘I know that the hypnotized never lie.’
The fundamental problem for the would be control freak, is the impossible mastery of innate natural human chaos. The fictional Manchurian Candidate from the famous movies is simply impossible. The human mind cannot be anywhere nearly so well controlled as depicted, without damaging it so much, that it could never function well enough to convince anyone that they could be a dog catcher, let alone president. It would no doubt induce an effect similar to early onset dementia, aneurysms, and strokes. But with a similarly impaired lockstep media to provide cover, who in the generally impaired public would ever know the difference. This is something we might want to ask President Joe Biden, if he ever takes real questions again.
Genuine intelligence is an emergent phenomenon of the innate naturally chaotic complexity of the human brain. It’s capacity is limited to the extent that complexity and natural chaos are limited, as they are integral to it. So there can be no effective effort at control without the partial destruction of useful functional mental capacity. There is a general loose correlation between the complexity of the physical ridge structure on the surface of the human brain and functional human intelligence. More simplified structures tend to be associated with diminished capacity, with excessive simplicity constituting an actual brain defect.
But if we only simplify what we feed into the brain, the effect is the same to some extent. In George Orwell’s book 1984 ( 1949 ), language itself was a key mechanism of control. The idea being that with a significant and selective restriction of vocabulary, the human mind fails to be able to form the ideas of freedom and dissent. In modern times, the confusion and conflation of words has a similar effect. It is effectively like a kind of linguistic gaslighting.
Gaslighting is a term that stems from the 1944 movie Gaslight, in which an unscrupulous husband tries to convince his wife that she is insane in order to steal from her. Gaslighting is not about convincing so much as confusing, in order to induce a kind of intellectual apathy and cognitive dissonance, if not outright madness, in order to get someone to give up on trying to know or understand the truth in frustrated resignation, to surrender and defer to those who supposedly know better, lamenting ‘Okay… Okay… Whatever you say Mr. President!’ It is an artificially concocted complexity, designed to overwhelm, and induce surrender to expedient oversimplification.
The waters can also be muddied further by mixing together the truth with lies in complementary opposite ways. With truth and lies mixed together, it becomes difficult to parse one from the other. If you reject the lies, you end up rejecting truth along with it. If you embrace the truth, you end up embracing the lies along with the truth. Depending on which one you choose, you end up on either one of two complimentary opposing sides of a nonsensical divide, as a false dichotomy. Either side of which is still an effectively false picture of reality. But both sides will be insisting on dividing and conflicting, one against the other, effectively self divided and conquered with assistance, just as meaningful as a stupid Punch and Judy puppet show.
With Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky’s notion of Manufacturing Consent ( 1988 ), the major media corporations serve as part of an overall governing system of corporatism, with the merger of government power with the corporations, as an example of Mussolini’s definition of fascism. But with the division sown as previously described, the public is generally divided against itself and cannot muster any proper or adequate dissent against the system. Once neutralized in this manner, in the absence of proper dissent, the neutralization and consequent negation of dissent becomes effective de facto consent. Therefore, the manufacturing of division is effectively the manufacturing of consent.
Once effectively divided in this manner, the state and the major media corporations can then pose as the neutral arbiters of an artificial divide, created by them for this purpose to begin with. Thus dueling talking points distributed from a single source, but through different channels, can be preemptively constructed in such a way, so that when they come together in some supposedly legitimate and honest debate, the audience for these so-called debates are more often than not going to come to the preconceived conclusion that suits the powers that be. This is often referred to as the Hegelian Dialectic, as a thesis comes to together with it’s antithesis, producing a synthesis. But what is going on here is that this pattern is essentially reverse engineered, in order to produce the preconceived result as it’s ultimate pseudo-synthesis.
But the most pernicious threat to the mirage of free will among the human herd, is the herd’s own incorrigible will to self-delusion. I firmly believe that the people instinctively and intuitively know what is true. But they don’t want to know. And they will go out of their way to avoid and deny the truth for as long as they can avoid it. While we may wish to pass all the blame for this onto whatever powers-that-be may be in a position to exploit it, the real main culprit is the herd itself and the herd mentality. It is really just a question of supply and demand. The herd demands to be lied too, as well as to lie with impunity, and they will even go so far as to destroy anyone who tells a truth that they can’t face.
They want to be coddled, comforted, excused, and flattered. Even when they’re being fear mongered, the real unknown is far scarier than the fake boogieman that they know all about. Which they know all about because the powers-that-be came along to supply their demand to be lied to, and to provide all the coddling, comfort, excuses, and flattery they demand along with it. Package it right and it works every time.
What, if anything, is there to reliably counteract all this? The natural organic chaos of the human mind is it’s only real defense, and chaos is just the outward manifestation of the veil of infinite complexity. The very complexity of the human mind renders it extremely difficult to control in any useful or reliable way. All efforts at interference tend to destroy what they interfere with. In the past, extreme methods of intervention were used, in the form of surgical lobotomies, cutting in to people’s heads as a ‘therapy,’ rendering the subjects more manageable but permanently mentally disabled as a result of the brain damage. Oversimplification is the natural enemy of chaos, and intelligence right along with it.
The human mind all by itself has only to it’s own internal chaos to keep it company, and to keep it sound. But is the human mind really all by itself? Given the previous discussion of the magic of wave particle duality, everything in the universe is connected one way or another, directly or indirectly, by one means or another, by the aether, and by waves of energy traveling through it. But does the human mind properly connect with any of this in any way that provides access to the outer chaos as well?
Research experiments have been conducted involving a helmet with electrodes attached to the outside of the helmet beaming relatively mild electromagnetic radiation into the brain, causing the human subject to have strange induced hallucinations under the influence, all without even violating the physical integrity of the skin, let alone the skull. Clearly the human mind is at the very least not truly isolated, and cannot be completely isolated from electromagnetic influences from outside of the skull. So what else may be tapping in to our heads on a more subtle level, whose effects are not pronounced enough to be noticed?
Animals are known to sense earthquakes, and will react ahead of time as if it has already happened. While animal minds are not as complex as humans in some ways, the infinite complexity, and therefor chaos, is still in play and remains in play unless destroyed by oversimplification by some means, such as injury. The relative simplicity of the animal mind may make it more sensitive to the subtler influences, but it does not enable them to deal with it, except to panic. Does being simpler give a life form more access to the infinite without, connected to the infinite within? It would seem to me to be that the more complex mind would be able to do more with the information at least, if they have access.
So what prevents us from sensing earthquakes the way simpler creatures do? It would seem as if there were some moderating filter placed between the outer infinitude and the inner complexity, connecting them, but limiting access. To some extent, the division between the consciousness and the subconsciousness already acts as moderating filter between the relatively finite awareness of the conscious mind, and the deep dark infinite complexity of the human subconscious. Perhaps the subconsciousness itself is the ultimate moderating filter in question. How do know if we have all the access, if all the information is locked away in the subconscious?
To the extent that the human subconsciousness is contained solely within the human brain, even with infinite access, there can be no physical containment of the infinite amount of information from outside of it without destroying the human mind. An infinite amount of information would take an infinite amount of energy to transfer, which could never happen, as the mere attempt to do so would incinerate the human brain. But as a moderating filter placed upon the infinite source, the human subconsciousness may in fact provide infinite access, but very selectively, and only filtering in through the vagaries and resonance of intuition, emotions, and dreams.
But can this be a two way street? Information from inside the human skull can leave the human skull without physical violation of the skull itself. This is observed and monitored on daily basis in just about every hospital on the planet today. This also occurs by means of electromagnetism and the detection of electromagnetic radiation being emitted from the firing of neurons inside the brain. At the threshold of the skull at least, clearly there is information of an electromagnetic nature potentially coming in, and continuously coming out. Whether or not any of this is significant enough, or of high enough amplitude to be detected beyond the threshold of the skull, remains to be seen.
Beyond the threshold of the skull, the ambient electromagnetic noise from radio signals, solar radiation, as well as cosmic background radiation, will render all subtler signals dim and mute by comparison, but without ever stopping them. There was a character in the movie Serenity ( 2005 ), who lived under a giant satellite dish and liked to say ‘You can’t stop the signal.’ Any signal will endlessly diminish for all eternity as it travels through space for all time, but never diminishing completely to nothing.
Since energy can neither be created nor destroyed by the first law of thermodynamics, the signal level can absolutely never go zero, but it can diminish to the point of being below the threshold for detection by our technology, or otherwise disappear into the background noise. With more sensitive equipment we may have increased sensitivity, but we will also get an endless amount of noise along with it. And without a means to sort the noise, it’s just noise.
But evolution has a way of evolving organic mechanisms that surpass what we can make technologically, like the human brain. And we already know that strong electromagnetic fields can influence the human brain from the outside to create powerful illusions within the mind. The question remains whether or not the human brain has any capacity to detect or be influenced by subtler signals, and somehow sort the background noise in any significant or useful ways.
In terms of resonance, like resonates with like, in the most general sense possible. The detection of any signal often is a question compatibility of the detector with the sources. The tuner of a radio filters out all signals but the one you want, in order to tune in the station that your looking for. Any human mind should certainly be mostly compatible with any other human mind. But do they have an evolved mechanism by which they can actually resonate with each other, and filter each other’s signals out from the rest of the noise?
I do not claim to know the answer to this. But assuming this to be the case, what are the implications of this? It would seem that each human mind would have the capacity to partially resonate and tap into any other human mind, whether temporarily or permanently. Perhaps there is some minimal level at which every human mind, is connected to every other human mind, at the level of the subconscious. Since this is hypothetically an entirely subconscious phenomenon, this amounts to a universal collective subconsciousness, a kind of human aether network, with a potentially infinitely distributed parallel processing model of operation.
It would effectively be a natural, organic, and evolved super computer made from the collective operation of every living human mind. We are then hypothetically both the hardware and the software of this hypothetical supercomputer. Which then means that the subconscious of every human is at least in part a product of this influence, with the features of the subconscious being partially functions of subconscious algorithms of the greater collective supercomputer construct. Our dreams may in fact be just as effected by this influence, as our own personal psychology, issues, and baggage.
While this may not itself be the ultimate absolute, hypothetically at least, it may be a part of it, or adjacent to it, and by the nature of the ultimate absolute, this hypothetical ‘collective soul’ must absolutely be a function of it regardless, at a minimum. Perhaps within the ultimate puzzle box of the ultimate absolute, therein lies trapped all of our individual human puzzle boxes, connected together to form the collective cognitive functioning of the ultimate absolute. Perhaps we are all just bits and pieces that collectively form the only true free will of the ultimate absolute. If this is so, then there is no escape, perhaps not even in death, for all eternity.
Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…
That’s All For Now Folks!
Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!
And May The Best Noise Win!
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