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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction Spell #6: Wave Particle Duality Is Fµ©king Magic!

Science Is Fµ©king Magic! Works Of Mad Science Semi-Fiction

Spell #6: Wave Particle Duality Is Fµ©king Magic!

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Spell #6

Wave Particle Duality Is Fµ©king Magic!

The Veil Of Uncertainty Is Fµ©king Magic!

In Buddhism, all of reality is classified as belonging to three different categories, nothingness, being, and radiance. Nothingness is simply the necessary void within which being can exist, and radiance can occur. Being and radiance interact with each other within the context of what would otherwise be pure nothingness without them. This somewhat parallels the phenomenon within the field of physics, known as wave particle duality, where being represents the particles, and radiance represents waves, which interact and operate within the context of what would otherwise be the completely empty void of space without them.

Within Daoism, the concept of Ying and Yang represents the interchange as well as interaction between complimentary opposites. Particles and waves certainly interact with each other, but do they interchange with each other, or transmute themselves from one to the other and back again to any extent? Or does it just seem that way? We already know that there is a matter energy equivalence relation, thanks to Einstein’s formula E = mc2. And we also already know of the phenomenon of antimatter, and that when antimatter combines with equal and opposing amounts of regular matter, they are both completely annihilated, converting all of there matter and antimatter into pure energy, particles into waves, being into radiance. High energy particle physics experiments artificially create antimatter all the time for research purposes, waves into particles, radiance into being.

Whether or not a given phenomenon can be viewed as a particle or a wave often seems to be a matter of scale, time, and perspective. At or near the largest possible scale observable or comprehensible my man, there are unfathomably large giant globular clusters, massive accumulations of galaxies, themselves massive accumulations of star systems, which in turn are made of stars, planets, and moons, as well asteroids and comets, the space between which is filled with an infinite array and variety of charged particles, collectively known as a plasma, a cloud of such charged particles that fills the void in between everything else.

These particles include essentially net negative free electrons, freed from the outer valence shell of the system known as a molecule, normally a net neutral system, but which becomes a net positively charged particle, known as an ion. The molecule itself is composed of other particles, net positive protons, net neutral neutrons, and net negative electrons. I am making a point to mention that these are net charges, not individual charges, because these particles are believed to also be likewise composed of massless charged particles known as the quarks and whatnot of the particle menagerie from modern particle physics.

At this scale, we are well within the territory of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the unavoidable veil of uncertainty that surrounds everything at that scale. The veil of uncertainty is not complete, but it is for all intents and purposes absolute, as far as it is, but we can almost assume that this pattern continues as the scale drops, but Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle prevents anyone rational from ever being nearly so certain of that without recourse to wishful thinking over-simplified delusions of insight. Beneath this scale we are faced with the challenge of what I previously described as the quantum puzzle box, which can never be opened, but can be observed from outside of that scale to some unavoidably limited extent, leaving us to derive the rest from what little we know about what’s in it.

Observations of this nature are essentially in the form of electromagnetic radiation, essentially waves. Interactions between particles at this scale, is largely a function of the energy in the form of waves, conveying the forces and influence of any particle to the other particles within the system, and to the outside for the sake of the unavoidably limited observations, observing the quantum puzzle box from the outside looking in, again as if peering in a mirror darkly. The combination of massless quarks and whatnot, is believed to gain the characteristic of mass when combined as the result of the involvement and interaction with another particle, known as the Higgs Bosan Particle. Particle physics however seems to be a field of endeavor rife with convoluted concoctions and interpretations, reading the tea leaves and entrails of the quantum puzzle box. The Higgs Bosan Particle is said to have been observed in an experiment at Cern, but given the state of the field, I’m not sure just how much I can take this seriously.

The force of attraction between mass containing particles, known as gravity, is believed to be conveyed by gravity waves, yet to be properly detected as far as I know. The primary observable interaction with the molecule system, is in the form of particles of light, known as photons, wave packets of energy traveling through the space in between particles, as well as between vast systems of stars, galaxies, and globular clusters. The study of light itself was the primary exploration that led to the development of the concept of wave particle duality to begin with. In the early days of modern physics, beginning with the development of Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, wave mechanics in general, and an intensified study of light in the process, light was well understood to be electromagnetic and wavelike if nothing else. It was also well understood in wave mechanics, that waves need a physical medium in which to propagate.

It was believed early on that there was a medium known as the aether, that was supposed to the medium through which light traveled in the vacuum of space, thought to be nothing but completely empty space otherwise. The Michelson Morley Experiment in the early 20th century, was designed to detect what was predicted to be an aether wind, a net movement of the aether in one direction passing over the earth as the earth passed through the aether on it’s way around the sun. It was a laser interferometry experiment where the light of a laser beam was split and sent along two different pathways perpendicular to each other, then recombined. A slight difference in the path length of light along one path as compared to the other, with one of them perpendicular to the path of the earth through the hypothetical aether, and the other path being tangent to it.

Any difference in phase resulting from the different pathways will result in interference patterns, a phenomenon of wave mechanics when it comes to the constructive versus destructive interference. Waves in sync with each other will enjoy a constructive interference where they combine their respective energies and amplitudes, and will result in a relatively bright area. Waves that are out of sync will experience a destructive interference, where the waves cancel each other out to some extent, diminishing the amplitude of the resulting combination, creating a relatively darker area, even to the point of complete cancellation if the waves are completely inverted relative to each other, the same principle behind sound canceling head phones, but applied to light instead of sound waves.

If the path length of one path is actually undergoing some sort of change relative to the other path, the location of the fringes may shift their position with a net movement in one direction or another, which is what they expected to find with the Michelson Morley Experiment, as evidence of the aether wind passing over the earth. Ultimately they failed to observe any effect they would consider significant enough to be proof of an aether wind, and took this to be a refuting of the aether hypothesis. In reality this only disproved the aether wind phenomenon, in terms of any significant net movement one way or the other. It has almost nothing to say about the aether in general, even though it has been interpreted by mainstream physics as such ever since.

The assumption that there had to a net movement one way or the other was the key mistake in my view, as if the aether had to pass over the earth or it didn’t exist. In a subsequent paradigm born of the Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, Einstein’s theory predicted what he referred to as a ‘frame dragging’ effect, a prediction which has been observed and verified, unlike some other predictions of the theory. But if the gravity of the earth can drag empty space along with it, then why can’t the relatively far more powerful forces of electromagnetism drag the aether along with us? Close to the surface of the earth where the experiment was conducted, the aether is most likely not moving much at all effectively, if to any extent at all. So the Michelson Morley Experiment is effectively a non issue as far as the aether in general is concerned. But that doesn’t necessarily prove the aether hypothesis either.

Within the alternative physics paradigm of plasma cosmology, pioneered by the likes of Hannes Alfven, among others, the aether is far from dismissed. It is viewed as essential to any real understanding of the genuine cosmology of our actual physical universe, never mind abstracted mathematical models. These are nothing but mathematically sophisticated bologna sausage, similar to the mathematically sophisticated bologna sausage of the geocentric Ptolemaic Model, which put the earth in the center of existence, with everything revolving around the earth. Ptolemy was a mathematical genius for his time, but there is no amount of sophisticated mathematics that can fix a bogus assumption that is never properly reevaluated.

The famous double slit experiment conducted by Thomas Young in 1801, demonstrated both the wavelike nature of light, as well as it’s particle like behavior. Years later with the development of Quantum Mechanics, this understanding became known as wave particle duality, with photons of light being both massless particles and waves of energy. A photon is essentially a wave packet traveling through space, like a ripple in the surface of the ocean that from time to time can take on the appearance of something well defined and particular, enough to call it a particle, and for it to behave as such, form following function and function following form.

Except that the ripples need the surface of the ocean in order to be ripples. This was the understanding of wave mechanics that led to the belief in the existence of the aether in space to begin with, once it was understood that space was mostly empty, thus a vacuum. If there is no aether, then how do we even have wave packets that can be treated as particles to begin with? And for that matter, what is the medium in between the subatomic particles that allows for the interaction and exchange of energy between the subatomic particles and binding them together to begin with? I do believe that there is an aether, but what is the aether itself? What is it made of? Is it made of the massless quarks and whatnot that make up every mass bearing subatomic building block particle of every bit of matter or antimatter in existence?

This makes some degree of sense as when matter and antimatter collide the quarks and whatnot have to go somewhere or themselves be destroyed in the process. Are the quarks and whatnot broken up into constituent parts and subsumed back into the aether? Or were the particles never real to begin with, and just complex waves, as is believed in another alternate paradigm of physics known as the Wave Structure of Matter, posited by Dr. Milo Wolff? But this still begs the question, ‘waves in what?’ Perhaps the nothingness of Buddhist cosmology is really something after all, but without the void of genuine nothingness, that particular something has nowhere to be.

We may never be able to be nearly so certain as those ignorant politically minded morons who say ‘believe the science’ would presume science to be, clearly ignorant of the meaning of the word to begin with. Genuine science can never be truly settled when the very fundamental substance of existence is still so fundamentally uncertain. And thanks to the combination of the veil of infinite complexity and the veil of uncertainty, the nature and existence of the aether can never be properly or completely settled.

It was Dr. Feynman who once said that “I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” It is almost as if the universe were set up to satisfy Feynman’s preferences. Perhaps it is Feynman’s universe after all, and we’re all just living in it. Fµ©king Magic Forever!

Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh Beduh…

That’s All For Now Folks!

Feel Free To Make Noise Among Yourselves!

And May The Best Noise Win!

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